YOUR fingerprint,
YOUR moments
Your exquisite Life-Story
My "Lovelies"
How wonderful that you have "happened upon" this page! Yay! I am so delighted to meet you and hope that I get to document moments of living with you and your "lovelies"!
Life has not been an "easy ride" for me, but oh my goodness, what a treasure of learning and loving and remembering and applying ... YIKES! I realize that each day is a gift, unparalleled from another - even though sometimes life can seem "mundane" - it's never the same! Sooooooo with a heart full of passion, a life full of experience, and a bag full of "canon" I am absolutely "ECSTATIC" about documenting your humanity
I am completely in love with the individual Fingerprint of Humanity
Born and raised in Zimbabwe, Africa I am completely in LOVE with travel and all things rustic and raw! I am married to my best friend and the absolute love of my life and have 5 INCREDIBLE humans I get to parent - yikes pinch me!!! LOL
​I’ve always had a passion for photography. Yet, it wasn’t until I specifically started working as a Wedding Photographer that I understood the real power of capturing a once-in-a-lifetime kind of moment.
Have the BEST day!
My Dad - who is no longer with us - always said "Remember in the dark what was spoken in the light and it will be like an anchor that carries you through the storms of life! I feel like I am an "Anchor Bearer" - I provide documentation of your beautiful life that will provide an "Anchor moment" that will remind you of all that is good in times of trial!
Although I LOVE weddings, my delight is "you" and your expression of humanity - so whether a family session, portrait session or a "just because" session - call me and let's get you on the schedule!